Job Opening


Before there was Craigslist, the simple paper sign would suffice. And in some places, maybe it still does. Especially if your intended target also collects Naughty Chicken vending toys. The small type sez ‘Squeeze me for Egg’, sounds pretty naughty to me!

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4 Responses to Job Opening

  1. Chuck Morse says:

    I want to collect Naughty Chicken vending toys. … Um, is that bad? I mean, is that OK?

  2. artnoose says:

    Hey, and just to the right of that, you can get all the Green Day stickers you could ever want!

  3. Drew says:

    So you supposed to quebrar el vidrio y meter la caveza para preguntar a dentro?

  4. El Changito says:

    No, Manches OSEA I saw that sing at the Pulga! lol Keep the good work ur Super Funny X10 :o)

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