Back when I was part of Flor y Canto we had this amazing little wooden box known as "The Free Box" that would silently and efficiently distribute commodities for free amongst all willing participants. It got rid of lots of things I no longer needed (junk to me) that turned out to be just the item someone else was looking for (treasure to you), I even picked up a thing or two!  But since that physical box is gone and I still need its services, I decided to create this virtual freebox here. It's basically one way, stuff I need to get rid of can be yours, for free!
  Here's the deal:  I'll post info about items I want to get rid of and if it's something you think you might need or can use, send me an email and I will try to send it to you via US postal service. Yeah, that'll be at a loss to me but I plan on giving away only small and light items, and some of them are worth re-distributing for the price of a stamp. A cd of expensive software for a stamp? I can do that. Most likely it'll be to the continental US only, unless you happen to be a friend of mine from afar, or you ask really nicely, or I happen to be in a giving mood. It's all up to me.  I promise nothing and I guarantee nothing! Ya Sabes!
  If you want one of the following items, email me your requested item and your home address to:

Now the FREE LIST!

Software CD's
*  Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5
*  Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise Edition and Client Pack version 5
*  Cyberlink PowerDVD5
*  Quicken 2002 new user edition
*  NERO OEM suite version (might not work with your burner)
*  Sonic My DVD version 4
*  Mandrake Linux v. 9.0 disks 1,2, and 3
*  Mandrake Linux v. 9.1 disks 1,2, and 3
*  Red Hat Linux for Dummies book with RH Linux v. 6.1 on 2 cds
*  Debian Linux v. 2.2r6  disks 1 and 2
*  I have many linux cd's, even new versions, if you want one in particular, ask to see if I have it.

*  black velvet bag

*  fake, crappy swiss army knife

*  fake, crappy leatherman 

*  3Com Palm IIIe (works, needs batteries) 

*  goofy pipe 

* If you live near LH, I've also got some computer monitors (CRT) to get rid of, working condition.