

Here’s a pic of yours truly. I promised more info about myself, but I lied.

Trust me, it doesn’t matter.

I’ve written a few things elsewhere:

A review of Sal Si Puedes #3

Recognize: Snapshots of Los Angeles Bike Riders

Three Questions by the October Surprise

And I contribute regularly to LA Eastside.com

6 Responses to About

  1. Margaret de la Torre Yadon says:

    Gracias! Loved the pictures but especially your sense of humor!

  2. Elias says:

    Very entertaining views on life. Caught the Canon “repair” video and laughed a good laugh. Great blog!

  3. David Cruz says:

    I love this blog but most especially love the humor that goes with the photographs.

  4. David Cruz says:

    I feel have to let everyone know how I found this blog……
    While listing to the Bill Handle show one morning, they played a sound clip from a Julia Child show and immediately sparked an old memory of watching Two Fat Ladies growing up. I spent the the following week not only watching Julia Child but also the Two Fat Ladies non stop every night after work. On a particular Two Fat Ladies show, they demonstrated their version of huevos rancheros. Surprisingly, I’ve never had huevos rancheros, yes I’m Mexican. I then did a quick search on images under huevos rancheros and found a tasty image that linked back to this blog.

  5. John Mejia says:

    I just found this blog. I live in Lincoln Heights. I already love your blog. I’ve been reading a lot of it and the changes its going through. I’ve live here for a little over 20 years. Keep writing. I can’t wait to read more.

  6. Leticia says:

    I believe 2010-2011 was when I first came across your blog and the Militant Angeleno. While browsing I was like, whatever happened to that blog! Glad I found you again

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