Tortitas de Camaron: Villa Restaurant

Tortas de Camaron: Villa Restaurant

I was sidetracked last week but I’m back on the hunt for Tortas de Camaron, the availability of these is quickly slipping away! Today’s outing was at Villa Restaurant (3300 N. Broadway 323.225.8806) right near Lincoln High, site of the famous 1968 Walkouts, though I didn’t see anybody skipping school for today’s walkouts, maybe I was a bit late. If I had seen some kids I’d have told them it’s probably a good idea to skip school anytime they want a decent lunch, because the Tortitas at Villa are an indication that they care about food. The cook corrected me when I asked for tortas de camaron, she calls them ‘Tortitas’, since they specialize in Guadalajara style ‘Tortas Ahogadas’ they need to make a distinction. Whatever you call them, make sure you call them lunch.

I’m running out of descriptions to use that will explain the uniqueness of each weekly entry, after all, it is the same basic plate! Well this one is a bit different, in the very least that they diced the nopalitos, I think I prefer them that way. Maybe the small size, which means you can eat both nopales and tortita at the same time, accentuates the sponginess of the tortita and makes for a different texture and mouthfeel. Can that make a difference? It’s irrelevant really because something in this plates’ totality makes it thoroughly fullfilling, and the savory red sauce ties it all in like a nice little package. The little bow on top would have to be the tortillas de maiz hechas a mano, freshly made and a perfect complement. That makes a huge difference. I get bent out of shape thinking about the crap that passes for tortillas de maiz (Guerrero, Mission, etc.) at most grocery stores and restaurants; imagine if you went to Angelique Cafe and instead of a baguette they served you Wonder Bread? That would be the equivalent. Lucky for you, that miserable fate can be avoided here.
This was my first foray into Villa and I’m sure i will be going back. Dale gas Amigo, se acaban las Tortas! EL CHAVO!

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