Roadside Explosives


Spotted on a street in LH, some sort of comical IED. So this terrorist comic walks into a bar and proclaims “I’m going to bomb!”


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7 Responses to Roadside Explosives

  1. Chuck Morse says:

    I think you’re being invaded by the Chinese-Restaurant-Supply-Store-Army. Runnnnnnn!!!

  2. cindylu says:

    Well you know, all those undocumented immigrants are really terrorists!

  3. tin says:

    this is so fu.king funny, a huge ass firekracker, someone call… shit, just run.

    hey, your pass word is ‘satanas’ i don’t think my friends appreciates you using his name in vain.

  4. tin says:

    hey, i just post a comment?

  5. This is hilarious.

    So random!

  6. Marshall says:

    No one would ever suspect that a giant comical firecracker would actually be filled with explosives. Forget the sneaky approach and go for the absurd!

  7. hexodus says:

    was the plan here to blow up a rabbit or roadrunner?

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