I wrote a little bit about lawns last year (here and here) so I won’t bore you with that post again. Just thought I’d share these recent pics of some more front yard gardening, a much better use of space and water. It’s prime growing season, look at that corn!
And those long beans!
Mmm, some sort of green. Which reminds me, time to start dinner!
my favorite is the garden on altura and griffin! my front neighbor and i wanted to plant herbs and tomatoes in the front and our bougie landlord had a cow. guess it doesn’t go with his convertible.
I just put down new sod in my front yard. You can come by and hang out on it if you want.
We’ve got tomatoes, basil, artichokes, mint and passionfruit (though the brute of a gardener our landlord sends round keeps cutting it down). Lincoln Heights is good gardening country. My favorite is the giant grape vine that grows out of the back of the church on Ave 20 and over the freeway pedestrian bridge.
It’s sad that so many Mexican immigrants I know think it’s uncouth to grow veggies in their front yard. I guess they associate it with being ranchero or something. I’m glad my Chinese neighbors don’t think so.
Down with the petunias and impatiens!
Hoorah for tomatoes and milpas!
If I wasn’t a renter, I’d love to tear up the lawn and go for it. We’ve got more lawn than we know what to do with, since our tiny house sits in the middle of a big-ass lot. It hasn’t stopped me from planting a mini cornfield on the side of the house, and a “what the fuck am I going to do with all these tomatoes?” operation either.
Wow, there’s a lot of gardners out there, and some if-only-the-landlord-werent-a-jerk gardners as well! And one crabby get-off-my lawn man! 🙂
Ah this is your garden!? It is so beautiful my friend! I really need to come and visit. You both make me so happy and I miss your cooking like whoa.
In my old Boyle Heights neighborhood one neighbor is growing corn in that small strip of precious land between the sidewalk and the curb. I tend not to park to close to the curb so my passengers can get out.
I always wonder about the corn, though. I don’t understand the economics of growing and tending to a row of corn. Corn is 12 ears for a dollar in the store. How much money do you spend on water and energy and space growing corn vs. buying it. I’d rather see a yard full of tomatoes… oh yeah and yellow and red peppers. Those bastards are expensive in the store.
My mom in Boyle Heights plant fruit trees on the front and back yard: Pomegranites, guavas, peaches. Fruit trees are very common in the Eastside. Their lawn’s okay.
My sister built a koi pond in the front yard. There’s mostly desert plants around it. Good for water conservation.
At my parent’s house we have chiles in our backyard along with nopales and aguacates. We used to have an orange tree, a fig tree, an apple tree and a walnut tree. We got rid of those trees to add a room for my grandparents.
Who needs to go to a farmer’s market when you can just go to your front yard or back yard?
I wonder if my landlady would notice if I ripped out what’s left of the non-watered lawn and put in squash….