In Between


Believe it or not, I do have some new ideas for future posts. I actually have a list of topics, themes, places, people, and various pendejadas that I’d like to cover. It’s right here over to the left side of my keyboard, on some ugly ass scratch pad someone gave me from some stupid credit card company called “working assets”. I like to cut off the trailing “ets” for a quick giggle. Ha. Damn cheap thrills. Which oddly brings me back on point: because of being a working ass I don’t get to spend much time on playing around with this list of topics. For the moment, I’m in between unemployment checks, which I guess is good as far as practical things are concerned. But mostly shitty as far as more interesting things are concerned. Most of my memorable experiences have happened during times of little or no waged work, where getting by is the main task at hand and the only clock you watch is the monthly calendar and the approaching rent-due day.  Feast and Famine.

I know that eventually those days of much time but no pay will return. Oh yes, I know all about that never ending cycle. So for the moment, instead of being even more half-assed than usual, I’ll let the list items rest until a better day and instead present you with yet another perfectly ordinary, it’s-been-done-before walk around LH! Sounds intriguing?

First up, the new motto for LH: “Fairy Tale World”. Yup, you know it!


Saturday Yard Sale. Low priced items. Low tech signs.


La Crisis = more unemployed people at the library filling out online applications = less time for hanging out on the couch = depressed, lonely furniture = this drunk and flat on its back sofa. There, there, sofy, your sitters will come back to you.


Lean times but still LH gets another clothing store, in the spot of the old photo studio that would put up all the pics in the window. But really, another woman’s clothing store? They don’t need that many outfits, do they? Har, har!


The nth attempt at a restaurant in this spot. Good luck 5 star Chinese food, yer gonna need it.


LH, where even our trash blooms eternal!


Hmm, trapping wild cats and warning us of gate closure death. It’s a regular party in this warehouse.


I’ve heard of a few people deciding to move back to Mexico recently. I mentioned it before but there seems to be lots of new rental places opening up. I think this building is trying to keep their tenants by banning moving vans.


One van that doesn’t seem to be moving. Usually taggers tend to go for sweatshop vans and trucks, not sure why but those are the ones you see all tagged up. This van has been sitting here for a bit too long, plus it’s right next to the new graf yard just a little further down.


Looks like there’s some filming going on at said graf yard. Perfect place for shots of urban grit, a popular advertising gimmick nowadays. I hope the people on this crew don’t turn around and complain like lil’ whiners when they see some graffiti in their neighborhoods though.


The Full o’ Shit lofts appear to be doing some work again to the building: conduit and boxes being installed, probablly for some ugly sconces. In the forefront there’s black spray paint on black tarp (?) that reads Free No One! I don’t get it.


What I really want to know is when the city is going to demand that these bankrupt land speculators move all their shit over to their own property line, rather than continue to take up the sidewalk and the street. Man, I wish I was a young hooligan looking for fun again cuz I could see how this could get fixed in a snap.


The Goodwill has a decent computer area, great for basic parts or atx cases. I like how they’ve made it clear these particular bench-supporting cases are bad, dispicable, and just horrible.


Pole envy? A street light pole disguises itself as a wooden electrical pole.


Battling nationalities. Next to the common “Hecho en Mexico” sticker, a car proclaims “soy nica y que?” Nicaraguense with a Chicano attitude. And a Japanese car from Mexicali Auto Sales.


No longer in LH, but I think I’ll end this post on a crunchy note. Laterz!

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6 Responses to In Between

  1. chimatli says:

    “Don’t even breathe on this computer!” hahahaha!
    What an eye you have for the mundane!

  2. pitbullgirl says:

    These walk thru LH posts are great!

    The photo studio is gone? Damn. I wanted a portrait of me and my old man with our faces floating next to a rose in a brandy grass or with the Playboy symbol, couldn’t decide.

    Seems like the job training for whoever wrote on the computers is complete and that they will be a great co-worker to cause trouble with once they are out in the workforce!

  3. daves not here... says:

    I like the “dispicable” label.Too funny. That computer must have been caught up in some shaddy porn.

  4. apio says:

    Now that I have returned from the uncivilized, unelectronic boondocks of rural New Mexico to the land of cyberspace, I was glad to find your wit intact. Next time I visit LH, I’d like to go on one of your tours. Of course, perhaps I already have, and was too spacy to even know that was going on… “Dispicable” of me….

  5. ubrayj02 says:

    You’ve got an awesome sense of humor. Though we both pass by the same places, you’re on the look-out for tiny things that I seem to miss that actually say quite a bit about our area.

  6. Lorena says:

    Love your trash blooms eternal. It is very “Still Life with trash”, know any painters?

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