Pobre conejito. Minding it’s own business and some careless car comes by and ends its hoppy life. Maybe it wasn’t minding it’s surroundings…
…just like this vulture that didn’t heed the warning of the dead rabbit. Instead, it thought it had an easy meal, at least that’s what I speculate via the distance of these two on a quiet road in Arizona. It reminds me of the dicho camaron que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente. Only this is a sea of different sorts.
Pelen ojo amigos.
Man, that should have come with a disclaimer.
Moon<–throwing away this morning’s jelly doughnut.
When the other sopilotes come back for lunch who they gonna eat first? The conejo or their carnalito con los ojos abiertos, que barbaro!
Roadside banquet. The desert is an unforgiving place. Hope you have a safe trip.
interesting find and looks so fresh too.