Mexicans have taken the art of graphic novels to a level which has yet to be surpassed. Sure there’s all those stories of wandering lust, as you can imagine, but I think this series known as “Libro Sentimental” rules this comic art form. They present some impossible but plausible human story in the most sentimental way. Which inevitably makes it hilarious.
Click ahead for a synopsis of a typical graphic melodrama!
The story begins with a rich kid losing his father to the claws of death. He shouts to God, YOU SHOULD HAVE WAITED UNTIL HE WAS AN OLD MAN! Look at the tears of pain. Even the mother is distraught.
At some point the ghost of his cigar smoking dad comes to him in a dream, and tell him that he is the man of the house and should protect and watch over his mother. Hmm, this sounds very Mexican. Here we see some freeloading Tio about to ask the Mom for some feria, and the kid being the new man of the house has his doubts. Of course, the mom tells him to just STFU and mind his own mocoso business.
As to be expected, the stupid mom doesn’t heed the warnings of the new man of the house, and let’s the Tio make out with a small fortune. Cuz she gave him a checkbook of blank but signed checks. You know, for some business dealings. Now that he has plundered the account, the mom is trying to get in touch with him, to see what’s up. HaHa, yer fucking stupid! You should have listened to your dumb kid that has half a clue but is too stupid to articulate his ideas. He is lost in thought bubbles.
As to be expected, this family that used to own property and money, is now forced to seek help from the bald priest. At first he doesn’t want to help, even though they always gave him lots of donations. But they call him out and he comes through with an apartment that smells like urine. Just like a priest.
Even though he comes from a privileged class, he has to reduce himself to asking for side jobs, like a common Mexican. Here we see him mopping up after all the drunks at some bar. One drunk catches him and says ” Chavo, quieres ganarte cien pesos?” And all he needs to do is call the drunks house and ask the wife to come pick him up. Classy!
The mother, suffering as she has since her man died, continues to act the part. But the son has reached his limit!
“Die then! Reunite with him and tell him that I failed! That I couldn’t fulfill my promise of taking care of you.”
And what have you done for me, asks the mother.
“I’m worn out washing cars, I’ve died of disgust cleaning up the urine of drunks.”
“WHAT???” sez the incredulous Mom.
There’s a few pages of the kid explaining how he ate out of trash cans, of fighting with dogs for a piece of a torta, of the scars that a doberman left on his arm, and the mom in depression saying “you’ve done all that for me?”
Seeing how brave the lil’ man of the house has been, she decides to get her shit together and asks for forgiveness of her egoistic ways. And it turns out her needlepoint technique is the shit. So she makes some money with her bordado.
And while they’ve been trying to make ends meet, the soul of the father wafts through, in the form of some special cigar that only he smoked. Wacatela. But yeah, happy ending. And there’s the bigoton looking down with approving eyes.
Fin. “Quienes se nos adelantan solo moriran cuando nuestro olvido los sepulte.”
Yet another Sentimental understanding of the world. Man, do I hate these novelas.
Oh, did you think this was over? Ha ha!
There’s some sincere attempts at findng a soul mate in the back of the mag.
Maybe yer not interested. But might you want to adopt a Mexican kid? Or how about adopting a modern and embarrasing picture for your cell phone? The ball is in your court.
Simon que yes, this is one fine outcome.
The main difference I see between these libritos & the porn ones:
-These women’s nipples are not drawn through their tops
-In the porn libritos, the nipples are always drawn through their tops
love the mexican mother guilt job!
One of my favorite revistas was “El Libro Policiaco”. Growing up in Mexico in a town where there was no tv reception, we had to do something else to kill time. Among the list was “MemÃn PingüÃn, and Kalimán”. I never collected these because a bunch of us would go to a tiendita, buy a “chocomil” and rent these for a peso or something like that to read them inside the store. Funny thing is that our parents knew where to look for us.