Anatomy of a Car Thrashing


All things waste away: anything that comes from the earth the elements will eventually reclaim. From ancient Mayan pyramids to the Personal Armored Space that is the modern car, they’re all doomed. I’ve been watching this process play out over the past few weeks in an accelerated form, the urban elements are reclaiming a straggler. Click ahead to see Nature in Action!

The pic above is already a week or two into the process, either someone stole the car and parked it here to take the tires or the owner was trying to replace some flat tires and came back too late.

A week later, more paint can decorations, a chair through the windshield, someone jacked your jack, some trash on the roof.


Getting modern with a computer monitor, dented hood..

Even more paint, some clothes piled on, windshield is broke for good.


Don’t think anyone will be driving this home anytime soon. That’s about where the process stands. Next step will be either A) more trash and paint will be applied, B) a fire consumes this shell, C) the property owner or the city decide to have it towed, or D) all of the above, in that order. I’d prefer A, then C, and right when it’s getting towed, B! Have it go down Broadway, pass out some flyers, and we have a new holiday in the making! England has it’s burning of the Guy, we can have a Torching of the Carcancha, have it be our new regional fall celebration. Who doesn’t want to take a match to that piece of junk they call their means of transportation?



If you buy one of them new, overpriced, and fucking ugly condos that are just about ready for the expected wave of chumps, well then you’ll have a perfect view of this car and the natural urban process it has been destined to fulfill. Or you can look out the other side of your building and see all the healthy, functioning cars going down the I5, every one of them future junkers. Just like your condo building is a future ghetto. Everything wastes away…



Kevin is right, after a few days the trash car was moved and it hooked up with some other cheap set of wheels, a similar colored clunker…


…with a sign that read “$100 or best offer”. I guess someone snapped it up because it was gone a few days later. Notice the addition of a Dodge hood.


And finally the story ends, our dear trash car has gone to that giant Pick-a-Parts in the sky, all that remains is a glossy streak of black car blood. Now to find a Delco Oil Filter to convert into a candle…

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9 Responses to Anatomy of a Car Thrashing

  1. Kevin says:

    Hahahaha! That was perfect!

  2. cindylu says:

    All of the trash and paint seems rather normal for a trashed car, but a computer monitor? Someone must have really been trying to get rid of that thing.

  3. KIKO says:

    Chavo, that is the most fucking beautiful obra de arte I have seen this year by far, and one of the most beautiful I’ve seen ever in LA, and I’ve seen a lot.

    It ranks up there with the inadvertent performance piece that happened last week when I sat down to eat my lunch at the cafe with three of my comadres, who settled into a chisme session about a fourth mujer (not present, of course) who is getting married soon, and who orchestrated her own proposal BEFOREHAND from her fiancee down to the tiniest detail—then told everybody about it afterward like it had been a surprise! NOMEDIGAS. That was just the beginning. But anyway, what made this above and beyond the normal chisme was that one of my comadres had just taken a vow of silence (after seeing that Little Miss Sunshine movie), and so she had to write everything down on little pieces of paper. In fact, she was the one who INSTIGATED the whole thing by furiously scribbling, ‘TELL THEM THE CHISME!’ So, this amazing chisme session was part verbal, part written, and lots and lots of body language. hands were flying, little post-it notes were flying. What does that have to do with your study in urban entropic art-resistance practices? I don’t know but I thought you might dig it.

    Like always, great work. We should team up some time for a day of urban wandering & flaneuridades y otras loqueras. you been to cinammon yet? LATE! —- K I K O

  4. Kevin says:

    I noticed the car has been moved and now has a buddy!

  5. Nate says:

    Scrolling down, I started to think it was going to sink into the blacktop next.

  6. La Victoria says:

    jajajaajajaja esta cagadísmo! I love it love it love it! You said carblood! car blood car blood jejeje

  7. Peter Metro says:

    i love early 90s camrys. stamina, stamina

  8. castillo says:

    You know I should open up a store in LH that only sells spary paint cans at discount price. I need to come up with snapy name like
    1) Taggers Town
    2) Graffiti Giant
    3) Super Spray Supplies

    I noticed something funny for my anti-spam, word it was “anarqui”,
    maybe latino ebonics for anarchy.
    I also like to use that latino ebonics sometines
    ThEs iZ sUm fUnNiE ShiTz yoU HaS HeER.

  9. Bernie says:

    Awesome. Always drove by this car too. I even have a couple pics of my own. Great timeline and cool ass site.

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