It seems a bit wrong that I should share my version of this dish with you all, considering that I’ve spent many weekend mornings critiquing/praising the variety of examples available in Los Angeles. It almost seems smug, as if I assume this the best way to make them. I don’t think I’m that pretentious. If you’ve read any of my previous cooking classes, I’ve always said that you need to alter things to your liking, to vary the ingredients so they reflect what your palette wants. Well, this is me telling you what I like, how I know Huevos Rancheros, how I prefer them. As you can plainly see, they are very basic. And that’s just how I like it!
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- Estefany on Huevos Rancheros: La Tolteca
Que Buscas?
Yum! We have been making our own, but our sauce recipe is quite different. (It seems to be semi-authentic, but I really don’t know. It’s delicious, though!) I will have to try yours! I really cannot get enough HR.
looks good, but where is the coffee and fresh squeezed jugo?
Thanks again Chavo for the Ranchero sauce receipe. I’ve been searching online for a good Ranchero receipe but they all see so complicated and time consuming. You break it down pretty easy and even have pictures so if I don’t feel like reading I can just look at the flickas. I think I’ll give this a try this weekend and maybe even jar some up so I can have some on hand when needed.
Time for you to start a Cooking With El Chavo book homie. I enjoy youir receipies.
Haha I like when you make you’re Chavo recipes we click on jump and it takes us to a black screen god knows were lol….and word on the names of the products you use>>>>El Guapo and El Dorado they sound like they should be from swapmeet clicka lol
Thanks! I luv the recipe photos, I think most of us are visual, so this works. Dang though, you stole my idea for tostadas instead of limp tortillas… which I had stolen from the Mexicano staff who work in the cafes here at Oracle mega-corp. Best HR I ever tasted, and I don’t even like HR.
Thank you–I made these last night, and they were awesome. Here’s a tip: don’t touch the roasting peppers on the comal with your palm to make sure they’re hot. I spent a few hours trying every folk remedy on the interwebs to try and stop the pain, and the only thing that worked was spraying on 409 (it cuts grease, and it’s the oil in the pepper that burns, as you point out in the recipe) and wiping it off with a towel, not water. I’ve never needed gloves to de-seed serranos or jalapenos, so I was a little shocked at the power of those dried guajillos. Damn! But there’s a little sauce left over, so I’m gonna make it again for dinner tonight and see what it’s like to eat this dish without one of my hands soaking in a dish of toxic spray cleaner . . .
Hola, Chavito
That salsa for Huevos Rancheros looks bien delicioso! (Guajillos en la salsa makes me swoon!) Pero . . . pa’ decirte la verdad–to tell you the truth, there is no proper vegan equivalent for Huevos Rancheros. No use messing with a masterpiece. Bueno provecho and keep up the good work!
“A Little Cup of Mexican Hot Chocolate”
Aweeessome, keep including los vegans! Can’t wait to make this.
Thanks so much for the recipe and pictures! I tried this out this morning and they were the best huevos rancheros of my life. Thank you a million! 🙂