R.I.P. Michael Jackson


Yup, he’s dead. Not that one, the other guy, the one that’s always been white. (That hilarious joke stolen from today’s Le Show, though he meant a different Brit.) Jackson, know as the Beer Hunter, wrote some good guides that gave proper attention to the various international styles of beer, sharing his knowledge of great brews with the rest of the world and showing us that beer can be more than just some canned insipid lager. Drinking and writing about beer could be the best job ever, but since all jobs suck I guess it ain’t.

The picture above has nothing to do with this post, it’s just one I had sitting around on my hard drive; I was going to take a pic of some of my beer and brewing books but it turns out my camera up and died as well, might have been the heat. And what’s a post without a pic? It ain’t worth writing. I hope to get a replacement soon.

R.I.P. MJ and my camera.

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3 Responses to R.I.P. Michael Jackson

  1. urban memo says:

    i hope you get a hold of a working digital camera soon!- i love your photo essays.

  2. Diego says:

    Rest in peace Alvin.

  3. Rolo says:

    “orale” was the security word.

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