A friend recently told me about some new toy loan over by Chapalita, a project based on those wacky book nook ideas that seem better suited to a rural environment rather than an urban area with a nice library nearby. I forgot to check out the toy loan but I did see some of that handiwork down N. Broadway today, looks like they decorated phone booths with some of that cool looking goo. I like the pattern on this one.
This goo puddle has some Chinese characters in it, not sure what it means but it looks like cool art, that’s for sure. A sign discourages people from stealing the community goo puddles. “Por pavor no ROBAN.” I hope this doesn’t get stolen either.
Wow, someone already ruined the art by adding a phone on top. Those jokers must hate the community.
Some really cool pics of that Lincoln dude. Look closely, in one of them he is Superman! Outrageously awesome.
This one makes an interesting statement about the tobacco industry and the goo that fills lungs. Really makes you think.
Go check out this exhibit before someone decides to get klepto on such neat artifacts.