Piñata Protection


Who hasn’t struggled with fitting a nice traditional-ish piñata into their vehicle? Probably lots of people. But for those of us that have, the top of the car wouldn’t be an option because you don’t want to destroy the fine paper tassels that make all the difference in these gigantic super star party accessories. Those cones double as fancy candy baskets, nobody wants one without the flair: otherwise its just a rolled up piece of carton. In yet another technological coup for the piñata industry, and a bit of help from the oil barons, we can now protect the paper flourish of an item that will shortly be pummelled to death by the use of plastic bags over the fancy tips. Plastic bags, what can’t they do?

Next up: Piñata cones covered in reusable Trader Joe’s bags.

Next Next up: Very Green Pre-recycled piñata parties where they just squirt some locally sourced honey into your mouth after you violently turn a compost with a bat. Yay.


Posted in commodities, Fotos, Lincoln Heights, Pendejadas, This Chicano Life | Leave a comment

Huevos Rancheros: Little Rodeo


The last time we visited this place back in July of 2009 it was called Rodeo Express, they closed down some time after that to remodel and only re-opened a few months ago. If you don’t want to click on that link the review was underwhelming, and the place still had those uncomfortable cement benches from the Taco Bravo days.

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Posted in Huevos Rancheros, Lincoln Heights | 1 Comment

Easter Scenes


I didn’t see the OG zombie rising from the dead, but I did see a few street people playing the role. I also seen a few other things on this ignorable Sunday. Here are some pics.

Even though I am partial to the circle A, I thought the square one was a good sign.

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Posted in El Centro, Fotos, Futbol, Huevos Rancheros | 2 Comments

Figueroa Produce Kaput


North East Los Angeles is definitely on the road to regrettable gentrification,  as richer people start to buy up the places poorer people didn’t even think were worth owning. Crappy homes bought by shitty people. What will become of the neighborhood? Take a guess. The most astounding part of this process of displacing the poor is the delusions of all parties involved. Those with money invest in “up and coming” areas (barf!) with the hopes that they can flip their investment and cash out. Mostly they do succeed. And the poor think that the arrival of fancy shops somehow means they will be miraculously included into that world and be able to enjoy some luxuries in their transformed neighborhood. They tend to get priced out of the hood before the conveniently located Starbucks or Yogurtland they so desperately want actually opens.

The delusions, expectations, and realities do not match up. I laugh the most when I hear that people want nice things locally, that the community is ready to support fancy shops in non-fancy neighborhoods. According to the internet, your “upscale” store concept will always be a success, and locals will flock to it because they want nice things in a community rampant with poverty. It rarely pans out.

I had been planning to write a long post at some point of all the failed local businesses that tried to cater to the fancy lads, but I keep pushing it further back. Maybe I will just start from now and mention the latest failures, the store closures most boosters try to ignore. Even though I did appreciate Figueroa Produce and bought stuff from there regularly, I knew it was going to come to an end eventually.



And it has. The promise of support that locals claimed would materialize for this grocery store seem to have been false. The internet lies again.


Posted in Analysis, Greater Los Angeles, La Politica es un desmadre.., Shit I hate, This Chicano Life | Leave a comment

Signs of Nothing


Everything means something. Nothing means anything. People like to ascribe significance to mundane happenings or to belittle significant acts as irrelevant. All the time. It is a human habit.

Having vanquished the ghosts of my Catholic upbringing I can now see signs as I want to see them and parse them as best suits my needs. It’s a better way to live.

But not all is good. Take this photo above, it was some sort of mini or model plane, drone-like, flying over El Centro. Shit freaked me out. Soon we will find out the sinister plans of these silent lil’ planes.

I saw more signs all week, click ahead if you’d like to see me read the tea leaves.

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Posted in El Centro, Fotos, Greater Los Angeles, Lincoln Heights | 1 Comment

Damn Rich Kids


Flaunting their wealth in front of their fancy new high school…

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Posted in Fotos, Greater Los Angeles, This Chicano Life | 2 Comments