Halloween Costume

I was driving by the 5 points and saw that there was a costume that was clearly meant for me. No, not the paisa with the hat and face mask…

…but the window display with the El Chavo getup. When I took this pen name many, many years ago most people had no idea what it referred to, but ever since the animated show came out you can find all kinds of crappy related merch. But hey, I’m not going to turn down a costume! It’s a bit snug but I’ll make it work, just turn away if you are into that modesty thing.

Posted in Fotos, Gente, Lincoln Heights, Pendejadas | Leave a comment

Ice Cream Truck Whistle

Hi All! Just a quick post to prove that yes indeed we are alive and well (?) in Lincoln Heights. I heard this ice cream truck melody innovation and figured I’d share it. They add a bit of whistling to the end of the traditional music. Maybe it’s some coded cholo chirps, possibly just a recording of some lonely jays, or even something from the mazateco silbado? Quien sabe, but I like it!

Hope you this post finds you well! 😉

Posted in La Comida, Lincoln Heights, Musica, Pendejadas, This Chicano Life, videos | 1 Comment

2 Minutes on the Main St. Bridge on a Saturday Morning

It was not that interesting. Not much happened. A jogger, some cars, a helicopter. Whatever. But here you go!

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Huevos Rancheros: Vips Nezahualcóyotl, DF

A long time ago, well I guess about 12 years ago, I took some notes and some pictures of a potential HR review when I was down in Mexico City, in the (for some reason) feared suburb of Nezahualcóyotl. I found those notes this week as I was sorting thru my mess and deciphering if any of this stuff I’ve accumulated gave me JOY. Hmm, good question.

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Posted in Huevos Rancheros, Mexico | 1 Comment

Party’s Over

Big Saver, my once favorite grocery store on Ave 26 and Figueroa is closing. I went back for one last time to stock up on Topo Chico and see if anything else might be of interest. They were already out of the mineral water, and the rest of the store was slim pickings. I bought some mole, achiote paste, and some canned chipotle chiles. All their piñatas had already been carelessly dumped into the prime territory where you would normally see all the dry chiles for the approaching tamal season. It was also the place I shared practical cooking tips with señoras also gathering their ingredients. Yeah, I’ll miss it but oh well, it’s over.

They were no longer my go-to store: once they started having issues with the refrigerated  veggie section, the quality of their groceries suffered. What’s the point of 3 cilantros for a dollar if they are all wilted and gross? There is no point. The neighborhood has also changed and I would more often run into some new residents getting their booze needs and hopelessly perplexed about their Euro cuisine requirements that they couldn’t find. Recently the hand baskets disappeared. I asked the cashier and she said they had been stolen and wouldn’t be replaced because they would disappear again. She seemed indifferent to the line of people trying to juggle more than a few items in two hands. She must have known something cuz to her it was all over.

It was obvious the property owners were trying to drive all the businesses out. When the pharmacy left, nothing took it’s place.

When the crappy restaurant left, nothing replaced it either. I bet they are just waiting for the lease to expire on Yum Yum Donuts to turn the whole property into some generic gentrified shithole. Like the rest of this city that is becoming a very pretty toilet.

RIP my local Big Saver. RIP 2018, you were crap.

Posted in commodities, La Politica es un desmadre.., Shit I hate, This Chicano Life | 1 Comment

Huevos Rancheros: Grey & Cash

Another hot morning in Los Angeles, another excuse not to cook in my own kitchen. Hmm, I wouldn’t mind a plate of HR’s, maybe somewhere new even. Might I find a decent example in this era of recreational eating and themed foods? Let’s find out!

Hey, there’s a new place in Monrovia that looks promising. I’ve learned to tolerate that small town full of squares. I got used to their scrapbooking, antiques, and hobby stores awhile ago when I worked nearby, but lately they’ve been trying to update their image. Whatever, I’ll bite.

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Posted in Greater Los Angeles, Huevos Rancheros | 1 Comment