Cooking with EL CHAVO! – Vegetarian Tortilla Soup

A major problem with eating out in Los Angeles is that your options for a good soup are limited. Either you can’t find any on the menu, it’s full of animal bits, or it’s some gloopy “veg” soup with more cream than veggies. Get your shit together LA. Thus when I am in the mood for a nice satisfying and warming soup I head to my own kitchen. In this installment of my crappy cooking school I will show you how I throw together a decent tortilla soup, made to my liking.

Click here to make it yourself!

Posted in Chanfles, Fotos, La Comida, no-recetas, This Chicano Life | 9 Comments

Look at the Birdies!

Thanks to the fine work of the folks over at the Audubon Center at Debs Park, we learned that the Vaux Swifts were back in town, migrating South and roosting at an old chimney in Downtown. It is a sight unlike any other and something you should see as well. I took a few pictures but they pale to the actual experience. Click ahead for some pics and videos.

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Posted in El Centro, Fotos, Shit I love, videos | 2 Comments

Still Have My Balls

Bored people are boring people. I don’t see how you could ever be bored with so much to see and hear basically right outside your doors. There is no better entertainment than stepping outside nomas para ver and let the world do its thing. Beats television every time.

I had lots of things to do today but I scheduled a viewing of my neighborhood. Lots of chuckles ensued!  Like this poster above about a lost dog that still has its balls. Click ahead to see more.

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Posted in Fotos, Fun with Words, Lincoln Heights | Leave a comment

Spanish Perceptions on the LA Riots

I am going through my folder of old draft posts, which goes way back, and deciding to just post that shit, since it doesn’t really matter if I do or I don’t cuz nobody cares anyways. I was hoping to do a relevant post about the LA Riots earlier this year but I didn’t get around to it. I once wrote up my experiences and analysis of the events, as a participant, on to some stupid Mac floppy drive that got formatted by some other stupid newer Mac computer. Lost forever since I wasn’t about to spend all that time, AGAIN, to type it out. I know what I experienced, who cares if it’s documented?

When I saw this comic book available from the LA library I laughed at how ridiculous it was, some European trying to describe what happened here back in 1992, from all the way over in Spain. But then I realized that not being informed has never stopped anyone from a good story. Luckily, I don’t think anyone other than a few Spanish comic book nerds has seen this, which is for the best.

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Posted in Analysis, Greater Los Angeles, La Politica es un desmadre.., Shit I hate, Shit I love, This Chicano Life | Leave a comment

Taco USA: The Missing Pictures

Gustavo Arellano’s “Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America”  is a terrible read and ultimately a waste of time but I made my way through the cheese and finished it. In the end I learned a whole lot more than I wanted to know about the history of corporate Mexican-ish fast food and developed a bit of mental indigestion. Are you interested in the history of Taco Bell? Cheetos? Doritos? El Torito? How about the combo # menu thing? Chipotle? The history of the reprehensible food items marketed under the Old El Paso brand? Do you want to know who first started putting margaritas in a frozen Slushee machine? You are? Well then you are a dolt and this book is for you! There are a few interesting bits but it mostly reads like a compilation of corporate press releases. Maybe I’m just not the intended audience.

Instead of defining the essentials of “Mexican Food” we get a plea to include all manner of crap into the category, and woe be to you if you dare question the logic.

“Those who dismiss Taco Bell, the taco pizza, even a church enchilada booth as somehow not Mexican because Mexicans aren’t the main consumers or creators miss an imperative point. We must consider the infinite varieties of Mexican food in the United States as part of the Mexican family-not a fraud, not a lesser sibling but an equal.”

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Posted in Fotos, Greater Los Angeles, La Comida, Shit I hate, This Chicano Life | 14 Comments

The Delicious Bowl of Sadness

Only $5? It is 3:30 after all so I guess so.

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Posted in El Centro, La Comida | 1 Comment